About Me 


Hey there, I'm Jenn – a wife, a mom, and the proud owner of REI Direct Support.

My journey has been a tapestry of personal and professional growth, guided by the belief in progress over perfection. Success for me wasn't a straight line; it was paved with failures, each one a lesson that fueled my resilience. Today, I proudly stand as my own greatest personal accomplishment – a parent, a wife, and a businesswoman, embracing the person I was meant to be.

My life mantra is simple: "If you don't know it, figure it out." It's a philosophy that has guided me through the highs and lows, pushing me to be resourceful and tenacious. As a mom, I've honed organizational skills that seamlessly integrate into my professional life, making me a master juggler in both realms.

Tech enthusiast alert! I thrive on the ever-evolving world of technology. If I don't know it, you bet I'll learn it. I firmly believe that with dedication and a well-organized calendar (yes, I'm a bit of a calendar freak!), anyone can acquire and implement new skills. And if all else fails, find a teacher – there's always a way.

Professionally, my journey started as a young, single mother striving to make ends meet. I'm a self-taught entrepreneur who has diligently crafted a business that not only stands strong and stable but also serves people and their unique business needs.

The 2008 Real Estate market  and 2020 Pandemic threw challenges my way, but here I am, still standing tall (or comfortably seated in my well-thought-out home office, to be precise). If your business needs someone like me to propel it to the next level, let's connect.

Let's turn your goals into reality!



Contact Us
Jennifer Shefcik
Chicago, Illinois 60655
with REI Direct Support 